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What My Boyfriend and I Watched Today

Okay so I don't remember what exactly I planned to post... but I'm going to post about what I watched today cause... yeah.

So my boyfriend has been watching Sopranos recently and last night I was watching a video from Toonrific Tariq and in that video he mentioned that there's a movie with Gibby from Icarly that had pretty much the whole cast of The Sopranos in it... and it was called Nicky Deuce and I was pretty sure it was a Nickelodeon movie- and it felt like a Dan Schnieder movie. Dan Schnieder sucks and is horrible... but I watched the James Gandolfini cameo and it was funny... and we actually watched this whole movie and I can't say it was bad. Honestly we liked it better than Tar... which we keep thinking about and getting disappointed by. Nicky Deuce is on Paramount Plus- so if you like Sopranos and you have Paramount Plus already I'd say check this one out. If not- I would 100% recommend going on YouTube and looking up the James Gandolfini cameo. He's only in that one scene and it's definitely the best scene. And it's one of his last appearances also... so this was good.

We started watching The Princess on Hulu after that and we didn't finish the movie but... it was different than we thought... kind of in a good way and kind of in a bad way. The good is that it's more of an action movie than we were expecting... and it's basically all action with little plot... the bad of it was that I thought The Princess would be a little more of a character than she actually was. Like... it looked like she'd be cool and fun but it was just like she was almost too strong and couldn't be stopped. There weren't a lot of obstacles. We also thought Karl Urban was in it- and we were disappointed that he wasn't. But... this was okay. If you're looking for an action movie this is kind of cool- but the plot is nothing special and at least as far as I watched in the movie- The Princess wasn't much of a character.

We started to watch 101 Dalmatian Street on Disney Plus... we've tried watching this before but it just didn't happen. It's a bad show. This episode we thought might be better because Cruella was in it... but it wasn't.

The last thing we watched we also didn't finish- but not because it's bad just because it's long. Elvis! Which... is surprising. We both really loved this movie- Austin Butler was born to play Elvis- I hope he gets so many more chances to play characters and characters with accents because his commitment to the accents is amazing. He's so entertaining! This also might be the best Baz Lerman movie- I love Romeo+ Juliet so I'm not sure it's my personal favorite... but this movie is paced so so well. There's buildup to actually see Austin Butler and I think if we did see this all in one sitting- it wouldn't feel like a long movie at all. This was great!

And then we watched a YouTube video about the Zach and Cody Danimals contest and did anyone ever actually win it? There are some contradictory stories and it doesn't quite add up...



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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