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Weekly Update+ 5 Things This Week 3.4.23

Alright this was a lazy week but I still did some things and I've got a list for next week too...

1)Listen To The Hadestown Soundtrack Yes

Okay I am sooo excited to see this in person soon! The music is so so good I can't wait to see it performed!!!! Totally recommend listening to the soundtrack- even if you aren't interested in seeing the play it's an awesome soundtrack!

2)Take Some Outfit Photos Yes

This I did like right away and I really liked this! Idk why I don't take more outfit photos- I love it!

3) Watch a Movie By Myself Unfortunately yes

I watched Don't worry Darling by myself and it's one of if not the worst movie I've ever seen. My letterboxed score is a 2 because I was entertained through the length of the movie- but it was DUMB. Really dumb. Did not like.

4) Clean My Desk -No

Uhhh... no comment.

5) Start ACOTAR- no

This is probably something I'll do tomorrow but I need to finish Clown in a Cornfield first. I also might read Legends and Lattes instead.

5 Things To Do This Week

This is going to be a rerun week cause there's stuff I didn't do...

1)Clean up My Desk

This should be self explanatory.

2) Start Acotar

Hopefully this is the first thing I do this week

3) Finish 3 books

I got some more volumes of Maison Ikkoku and I can probably read one of them... and I have some other graphic novels I want to read... plus I need to finish Clown in a Cornfield and that Dear America book.

4) Put books away/ clear some bookshelves

I've got a lot of books recently and I could make room on my shelves but I haven't put them away yet... so I gotta do that.

5) Do Makeup a Few Times This Week

I did my makeup a bit last week and I want to do it some more this week. Maybe I'll post some photos. I also really like the Natasha Denona Glam Palette!

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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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