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Weekly Favorites! 3.15.24

Okay I had a busy week so I took the week off from writing anything but I do have some favorites!

Last week l heard that there is a show on Peacock called Couple to Throuple where couples show up to a beach hotel and they meet a bunch of singles and they choose a third to join their relationship- and they can swap out the singles in a ceremony... and that concept sounded crazy so I had to watch it and it was great. The cast of it was just so good- There was just the right amount of drama but the couples were very sweet and they became friendly with everyone really fast. It didn't seem like the throuples were really going to last-but the show was still fun to watch- and I need my bachelor recap shows to talk about this one.

I also read all of Addicted for Now by Krista and Becca Ritchie and I started Kiss The Sky. These are from 2 series that you read intertwined. Most of the books are in the Addicted series which is about Lilly and Lo who are both addicts (Lilly is a sex addict and Lo is an alcoholic.) They are also from a rich family- Lilly's dad has a soda brand that rivals Coke and Pepsi, Lo's father has a business for Baby Products. I really liked Addicted for Now- Kiss The Sky I'm having a harder time getting into. Kiss the Sky follows Rose- Lilly's sister and her boyfriend Connor... and I think because the two haven't had sex yet- a lot of it is just Connor talking about how much he wants to with Rose and... I don't like that part of it as much. I love Rose and Connor as characters- but I don't think I like them as much as leads.

I really miss the Lifesaver Jelly Beans that they stopped making at least 10 years ago... and I finally found a good Easter jelly bean from Brach's- the Easter Brunch Jelly Beans... these are sooo good! They have breakfast-y type flavors but it's all kind of different. Really good.

I've also been watching Twin Peaks and I love it! It's just such a good mystery show and a great town. I haven't watched it in a few days- but I really like the show!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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