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Taking Notes in a Movie Theater?

Here's a behind the scenes post about my experience taking notes in a movie theater while seeing Avatar: Way of The Water- which I think I'll have a review of tomorrow.

So this year I want to kind of take my blog and my reviews in general to a bit of a more elevated level. Even if it's not a blog review and just something I'm reviewing for myself. I like to be able to look back at things and go "ohh that's what I did and did not like about this thing." And have notes for when something comes in handy.

I bought a pack of mini notebooks on Amazon that are pocket sized but still kind of sturdy and easy to use... so I brought that to the movie with me and I wrote notes... whenever something came up. And much to my surprise- my boyfriend also wrote notes in it so it was fun to read the notes after the movie was over.

Oddly enough, I thought I was just going to use the notebook to write down the trailers we saw before the movie started, but because people were still kind of circling into the movie theater- I didn't end up doing that. We saw it in Imax and the imax theaters are a little more packed than regular theaters- so it would have been hard to write notes during those trailers. I think we ended up remembering what everything was afterwards- so I'll include that in my review also.

So writing the notes itself was hard because I couldn't really see what I was writing- it ended up being in shorter sentences across multiple pages- and then after the movie, while we were at dinner- I wrote a synopsis and I'm still writing down some character names and stuff.

I don't think my notes were that detailed- but I think it's fun to keep a notebook handy for these things- I enjoyed writing things down that way and it was just pretty helpful all in all. I might get better the more I take notes in movies... who knows!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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