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Story Time: Sometimes you walk the dog, sometimes the dog walks you!

Alright- here's my story about the house that had the freshly popped popcorn!

Before I get into this story I'm just going to preface it by saying this house had a distinctive sign on it that seemed like it could be a Halloween sign- but they had it up all year round. I'm going to say it was a Mr.

Toad sign because when I started writing the story before Mr. Toad was Suggested on Disney Plus and it's that level of spookiness that is watched near Halloween but not necessarily Halloween.

Anyway back to the main story... I was a pre-teen I think and all of my friends were staying at my house for a sleepover- I think it was for the midnight release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows- which we had been there pretty late for at Borders. I was probably 13 or so at the time? Really young and also it was before I took my cell phone with me everywhere. After this is when I really started to take it with me everywhere.

Anyway- I was walking my neighbor's dog and the dog was bigger than I was used to and the dog walked more than my dog I had did... so I was just going to take the dog for a quick walk in the back yard and get back to hangning out with my friends-

No big deal. The dog started DRAGGING me far away from where my house was and I didn't even really know where I was going... and I had no way of telling my parents.

I was gone for a while and of corse my parents and my friends start to get worried- they didn't know exactly where I was or anything... so they were freaking out at home.

Finally- I recognized where I was with the dog- I was at the Mr. Toad house and- that house is pretty far away but because I had trick or treated there every year- I knew exactly where to go and how to get home from there- So I got the dog under control- she had calmed down a little bit at this time so I was able to make it home. I saw my dad in his car on his way to look for me and my mom who was like "where were you??? You were gone for like a half hour!!!" And I told her I didn't really have control of the dog the way I thought I did.

So- after that I think I went with one of my parents when I took the dog out just in case- but I did get a little more used to it... but now I like always having my phone on me because you just never know when you're going to walk a dog that gets out of control!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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