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Story Saturday: The Time The Dog Walked Me

Okay so here's a story of something horrifying that happened to me one summer when I was watching my neighbor's dog.

I had a dog- but they just wanted me to look after their dog and take the dog for a walk around the yard... and this dog was a lot bigger than my dog and she just kind of took me all around the neighborhood.

I was pretty young when this happened and I had my friends over for a sleepover... and I think I had a cell phone at the time- but I might not have and I definitely didn't bring it with me. The dog took me pretty far away in the neighborhood- and I was gone for like a half hour. I only really recognized where I was because I saw a house that I trick or treated at and they made homemade popcorn every year and they have a distinct sign on the house so it's actually easy to identify. So once I knew where that was- I knew where to go home- but when I told my mom I was at the popcorn house she was like "you went that far!" My dad was like in his car about to look for us and he and my mom and all of my friends were really nervous... but thankfully the dog and I were fine... it was just a very long walk.

So the moral of the story is... know your surroundings, bring your cell phone with you and maybe get someone to walk with you the first time you're walking a dog you don't know.



PS- Hadestown review tomorrow probably!

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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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