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Shannon’s Adventures: Barbie Party

So what do you do when the Barbie movie comes out on Blu Ray the day after your birthday? You throw a Barbie Movie Watch Party for your family birthday party!

So I asked my family and everyone seemed really excited to watch the movie. My cousins were the only ones that saw the movie before- but they didn't stay for the whole movie because they had other plans. But my niece was really excited, and everyone had fun watching it together!

My mom made Turkey Chilli to eat because she makes really good Chilli and plus I figured that was easy for her to make beforehand and she would get a chance to actually sit down and watch the movie. And everyone liked it and it was really really good. We had pasta to go with it if you wanted and chips, velveta cheese- I kept hot sauce in the fridge which I added too it. It was delicious!

Then we all sat and watched the movie and I popped some popcorn and put it in bowls for everyone to enjoy. We also had some movie candy at the table and some chips and other candies.

I paused the movie so we could have cake and dessert cookies and then my niece said "play the movie" so I played it again. It was a lot of fun. And it's hard to get everyone together and pay attention to a movie- and it was great!

Overall this was really fun- I definitely think this is a fun thing to do with your whole family- whether it's for your birthday or just for a movie everyone wants to see. This was just really fun! I would totally want to do it again next year for my birthday and I hope a good movie comes out around my birthday next year lol.



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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