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One Hour Photo Movie Review

I know it's been a lot of movie reviews back to back... but I watch a lot of movies!!! And this one I just have to talk about. The 2002 thriller One Hour Photo starring Robin Williams.

First off... this movie is a bit of a time capsule so let me explain the concept in case anyone reading this doesn't know what a "one hour photo" is. Before digital cameras and social media were a thing- people used to take pictures with rolls of film- and you would have to go to a place like Walmart or Wallgreens to get your film developed into actual photos that you could frame or hang on your wall or something. So Robin Williams played Sy who worked at this one hour photo counter and became obsessed with this one picture- perfect family who's photos he's seen throughout several years.

I've heard of this movie for years- and I feel like I've never heard anyone say anything bad about it... but also this is a hidden gem of a movie. The concept is just so creepy and amazing... and Robin Williams did such a great job playing this very dark role in a way where... you still feel so bad for Sy. What he's doing is awful- but I can't help but feel crushed for him. The way his boss treats him isn't right and this guy is really kind to all of the people that go to his photo counter... he's not a bad guy he just has problems.

The movie is also pretty stylized. It uses a lot of green, and then some scenes are like a sterile white with Walmart blue and then when Sy loses everything he's in the dark room and it's very red. There are several instances where Sy and other characters are framed- because pictures... it was just really cool.

When my boyfriend and I were watching this movie- we were like "yeah I'm glad we own this. This is 100% something we'll watch again." I think we might order some more Robin Williams movies because he is such a great actor. I know Insomnia is another thriller he's in and I definitely want to see that too.

This movie used to be streaming a lot- I'm not sure if it is anymore but it might be one that comes back... but like I said- I think it's worth owning. It's on sale at Amazon now as well.



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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