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Movie Monday: The Hateful Eight

Okay... Not going to lie- this movie was kind of hard to pay attention to. I did like the end and I would still say it's worth watching... but my boyfriend and I had to watch it over 2 days. It's definitely a character movie and it really takes time to develop the characters.

Okay... so this is my third time writing this review. After the first time I got mildly sick... the second time I finished the post and it didn't save... hopefully this third time is the charm because... I didn't like this movie that much and I don't have that much to say about it.

It's not a bad movie... it just started off kind of slow and I'm not sure it's something I would really want to watch a second time. The acting was all really good, and if you're a fan of Westerns, you might really love this movie... but there's A LOT of character building at the beginning of the movie... and it honestly didn't pay off that much in the end. There's a TON of action at the end of the movie- and it was definitely fun to watch... but it takes a while for it to get that exciting.

It was fun to see how all of the characters meant... but it's kind of my same complaint with Inglorious Bastards- where it was just talking for half of the movie or more... there's a lot of exposition and a lot of conversations that are had before any sort of action takes place. It's not the most well paced movie ever... but once it does get exciting... it keeps going until the very end. So it's pretty much the first hour is boring and the last hour and a half are really really exciting. And... you'll know when it happens and it's good but... it's a little hard to pay attention to before that.

Samuel L. Jackson's character is probably the best character in the movie...but Jenifer Jason Leigh's character Domergue is really great too... It's a really good story it just kind of takes a while for it to get interesting enough to be... my cup of tea. You know? I'm glad I saw it- but... it definitely was the least interesting of Tarantino's movies. Wasn't bad... just my least favorite.

So that is everything! I hope you guys like this! Still worth watching this movie- just... maybe have something to do or someone to make out with for the first part. LOL! Definitely makes it more fun.



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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