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Movie Monday: Old

Okay… so… Old is a movie… directed by M. Night Shymalan.

Alright that’s my review!

Bye! -Shannon

No just kidding… uhhh Old is not the best movie ever… but I feel like M. Night was onto something when he wrote it. I believe he said he wrote it during the pandemic and I think it really catches the essence of that time. It shows how fleeting time is… and aside from everything I don’t like about this movie… it does really make me sad because these are just kids and they get Old and it’s sad that their lives are just passing by them so fast.

Anyway… they kind of exploit a character with Schizophrenia… which is really bad. The portrayal of mental illness doesn’t make sense and it isn’t interesting- it doesn’t add anything to the story. I feel like M Night just uses Mental Illness as a scapegoat in a lot of his movies as a reason for a character being an antagonist…

The characters in general also… aren’t that interesting and they just kind of kill them off too soon with… no real purpose. The setting of the movie is really cool and it was very remote so I don’t think that part was bad… but there isn’t that much memorable about the actual horror in the movie and even the twist at the ending... not super memorable and it doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

Okay so in general… I own this movie… I didn’t dislike it… I’ll watch it again… but it isn’t great and it’s hard for me to point out exactly why I didn’t like it that much. The best part of the movie was that there’s a rapper named Mid Sized Sedan… and that’s just funny.

Alright- that is everything! If you like Horror and M Night Shyamalan… you know what to expect from this movie and… that’s all the advice I can really give. Sorry if the review didn’t really make much sense… but that’s how I feel about it. It doesn’t make much sense!

Bye! -Shannon

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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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