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Movie Monday: Dune Part 2!

So they rereleased Dune Part 2 in IMAX and my boyfriend really liked the book Dune and hadn’t seen the first movie by the time it came out… so we were a little bit behind. We did eventually see the first part and we liked it- but we still didn’t get a chance to see the second one until last night.

Now I will probably do a Shannon’s Adventure’s post on this on Wednesday… but I had just finished a day at work where I had to be the closing manager… so I was a little bit tired. That being mixed with the fact that Sci Fi doesn’t always hold my attention and that I didn’t remember much of the first movie is maybe something to keep in mind. It was like midnight by the time the movie was over and I was a little checked out at what I call “the uncle fester gladiator part” aka Austin Butler’s scene. M

That being said- I still really enjoyed this movie- if you get the chance to see it in theaters I’d highly recommend it and seeing it in IMAX really puts you in the world of this movie. It was more effective to me than other imax movies I’ve seen. When I finished the movie I was STILL thinking about it and thinking about the world and the characters. Maybe the real Dune is the friends we made along the way.

So a lot of the main characters in this movie were kind of background characters in the first movie and they’re all the best characters. Zendaya’s character, Paul’s mom, Florence Pugh’s character were all really interesting in this movie and having them shown just a little more than they were in the first movie totally made it for me at least. Zendaya was really really good in this movie.

My boyfriends take on this movie was that the acting was good- but there were 2 people in this that really gave it their all and had fun doing the roles… and those two were Javier Bardem and Austin Butler. Javier Bardem especially really felt like his character to me. He seemed really into the role and that man can do a lot with any role given to him (except maybe King Trident.) He is almost always the most interesting part of any movie. Austin Butler also well known for really transforming into his characters… he did a great job in this. It’s not that his part wasn’t interesting I just was very tired when that part was on… it was like 11:30pm at that point… this was a late showing.

So if I was going to explain this movie to my 7 year old niece I would say “it’s a little like Raya and the last dragon, but it doesn’t have dragons so it’s sort of boring. And it’s kind of for boys.” Those aren’t really what I think of the movie- Obviously the female characters in this did a great job- so it’s not just for boys and I don’t really think the movie was boring but that’s how it would make sense to a 7year old.

So yeah- really loved this movie. I think I’m going to attempt to read the book sometime soon… and I totally recommend it! This might be one of my favorites this year so far!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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