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Let’s Do The Wordle (1.30.24)

Alright today I'm going to do the Wordle- it's the first time im doing this for a while... so I might be a bit rusty but let's see if I can get it!

I'm going to start off easy with Stare- I like starting with Stare!


Okay all I got from Stare was an E in the wrong place... so that gives me a lot of letters that it could be still... the first word that's coming to my mind is Medle... so let's try it!


Okay- now I see it can't be that because the E was in the wrong spot- BUT now I have 3 letters in the wrong spot! It's gotta be something with a double E in the middle... let's try out Wheel!


Okay... this is a hard word! At least I got the last two letters correct... and now I know it must start with an E too... I think it could be Excel! That's a good word-

Let's see if I can Excel at getting Excel!


Ohhh man. So close! Ooo okay- there's still a P in play it must be Expel! Let's try it!


Yayyy it's Expel! I solved the Wordle In 5 today- it was a pretty hard word though so it's not that bad!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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