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December Adventures: Merch Haul. They Might Be Giants and Elf The Musical

Alright- I love a merch booth so let’s talk about the stuff I got at the concert and at the musical!

They Might Be Giants

The thing I got that I have already- but I can always use these and they’re useful to have at a concert: tote bags. This has the logo from their Flood album on it and it’s just a small canvas bag. It fit everything I bought in it. My boyfriend has one too but he bought another one too.

We also love the song Particle Man- so we got matching hats. He got the Particle Man hat and I got the Universe Man hat.

And last but not least- we both got the same t shirt.

I loved the e colors of this and the futuristic type look to it. It says Dial a Song Forever.

Muppet Break

My boyfriend got me a t shirt with Rizzo the Rat that has an iconic scene from Muppet Christmas Carol on it.

This wasn’t from the concert or the play- but I thought I’d share it here.

Elf The Musical

Alright- I wasn’t sure I was going to get any merch from elf because I do have merch from other productions I’ve seen… but they had some new things this year. I kind of wanted a Sparkle Jolly Twinkle Jingley shirt… but I didn’t like the colors they had on that shirt that much… so even though that’s the big song of the show I didn’t get the merch with that. I did get the Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins shirt which is very pretty. And I’ll probably wear it to work this week.

I also got the pin set. I really liked how these looked- it has the 5 main elf food groups- the musical added cookies to the 4 main food groups which I thought was a great addition. I kind of want to put these on a Santa hat… and my niece got the Elf Santa hat and she wore it during the show and it was really cute but… I didn’t get that one but I wanted it… but it was a lot of money for a Santa hat… so idk I probably have one I can put them on already… so yeah. I almost want to see if I can get an elf patch to put on it too… but yeah. They do have a cute santa hat and it would be cute to put these on a Santa hat.

I also got the tote bag- it’s a really cute Christmas tote bag and I really liked it. It has the elf logo on the back and says The Best Way To Spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Really love this.

And I don’t have a picture of these but I got the socks for my boyfriend. These were cute and make your feet look like elf feet. My sister got a pair too.

They also had a few different mugs- they had one that said something about Hot Cocoa and my niece got that one. She also got the plushie of Buddy the Elf- which was really cute and she liked it a lot… but there are similar looking ones elsewhere- so I didn’t get it… but she played with it on the boat ride home and it was very cute.

I think that’s everything we got! I thought this was going to be the end of my adventures post… but I actually think I’m going to share how I packed for everything too.



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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