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Coffee Of The Day: McCafe Horchata Latte

There is a teacher on TikTok that was sent the McCafe Horchata Lattee from Keurig and she said it smelled so good that basically her whole second grade class stuck their noses in it... and it smelled so good that she drank it anyway. This is Miss Fine on TikTok and she's very funny.

So anyway- I was intrigued and had to try it. I ordered it off of Amazon because I couldn't find it anywhere... I waited for the price to get under $15 cause it's a little expensive... and now I kind of understand why it's expensive. It is an actual latte- There must be some sort of milk or cream in it already so there's no real need to add a creamer. I put a squirt of syrup in mine still- but it really doesn't need any. It tasted quite good on its own.

So overall- this is a win. I'm excited because I can just bring one of the pods to work and make it there without worrying about adding anything to it.

I would buy more McCafé lattes- and I'd try Horchata other places- it's really a good flavor that I've never tried before!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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