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Bingewatching vs. Weekly Watching

Okay... so with streaming services... it's hard to decide what to watch and where to watch it. When Disney+ launched- they were the first streaming service to release their new shows weekly... which is good but also when you're used to bingewatching something... it's hard. So when something like The Mandalorian came out... it was hard to kind of keep up with it when it came out from week to week- so I'm way behind on watching that... but I also like looking forward to new episodes of Loki that come out every week... so that's kind of something to think of too.

I like the ability to watch as many episodes of something as I want... thats good too though. During Quarantine my mom and I watched Grace and Frankie, Dead to Me, and New Girl- which I also watched on my own. It was nice to be like "Ohhh just one more episode." Or "Ohhh I can't watch the news right now- let's watch Grace and Frankie."

One thing that I think is... better about bingewatching is older shows. The Office is one where I watched it weekly, and now I've bingewatched the show once on Netflix and I watch it just about every week on Comedy Central. There are definitely some episodes and some seasons that I haven't liked when they originally aired and I watched it weekly... but when I bingewatch the series... I really like them and I really laugh.

And it makes sense that I'd judge something more harshly if it's a weekly show because if you get a crappy episode of a show that's on weekly... that's it. That's the one thing you were looking foreward to all week, and all day... and if it sucks you won't get a new one until the next week. So... that kind of just sucks if you have a bad episode of something. And then if there's a bad season- like the last couple seasons of The Office... it might just be easier to stop watching and do something else on Thursday Night and don't stress about catching it on demand or on streaming or anything. Which is what I did for the last couple of seasons.

But then... there are Netflix shows like I'm going to say Kimmy Schmidt. I don't love every single episode... but if one isn't good I can just move onto the next episode and think "Ohhh I love this show." When in reality... I kind of like it and I don't love every episode.

So yeah- that's kind of changed how I watch tv now because there aren't a lot of shows I really keep up with anymore. I sometimes watch The Goldbergs and I tried to watch Superstore... but there isn't anything weekly I watch anymore other than reality shows. And I miss watching shows weekly... so I'm glad Disney Plus and HBO Max have shows on weekly... but then I also like knowing everything that happens all at once... so it's frustrating.

All in all... it's good that we live in a time with a lot of options. As long as I can bingewatch the office once a week on Comedy Central and I can watch Friends any time I want... I'm good (actually they usually have marathons 2 or 3 times during the week for The Office.). And I used to be sooo into tv and now I find myself struggling to finish a netflix show... so yeah. I have weird phases where I love tv and love bingewatching all the shows and then phases where I'm just like... nope.

And in all of this my favorite show currently on now is Big City Greens... which is a cartoon on Disney Channel.



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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