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13 Days of Blogoween: Happy Death Day and Happy Death Day 2 U

Alright- so I thought Happy Death Day looked like a fun movie when it first came out and the only reason why I didn't see it earlier was that it was released really close to my birthday. That and I'm the only friend that likes horror movies- but I still think I could have seen it. These are both fantastically fun movies and a great use of the Groundhog Day type of concept. Actually- the first movie did not even get that repetitive... which is impressive.

I actually really like the characters in these movies a lot. Both movies have really funny lines and overall just fun, fun moments with everyone. Especially Tree- the main character of the movies. She's sort of not the best girl... She's nice and smart for a Sorority girl... but there are a lot of potential people that may want her dead. And the killer is actually the last person she expects... which is interesting. It's kind of the first person I thought of- but I was still quite surprised by all the twists and turns of the movie.

Ohhh and if you think one person is the killer in the first movie and maybe you get disappointed that they aren't the killer in the end... the second movie has a totally different killer and a different fate for the killer of the first movie. Sounds a little complicated... but the second movie delves more into alternate dimensions and what event is exactly causing the time loop- so the characters are all a little different in the alternate universe... but Tree from the universe of the first movie is stuck in a different direction.

They did a good job of really SHOWING who the characters were instead of telling us who they were. Like we know that Tree is sad on her birthday because her and her mom shared a birthday and her mom passed away. They show us that throughout the first movie and it pays off more in the second movie.

There are also a lot of fun homages to movies like Groundhog Day, Back to The Future, Ghostbusters, and Sixteen Candles.

The Sequel is a little more repetitive than the first movie... but it wasn't the same movie again- it actually gave the first movie a deeper meaning than it originally was. It's just... a really really deep movie with really fun characters and we get to see fun new sides to the character from the original one.

A bit of trivia I read on IMDB makes it sound like it was a fun and good movie for the cast too. There's a scene in the first movie where Tree walks around Campus naked and the actress said it's a moment she'll never really forget. It was filmed on an actual campus- so they had to be careful that there were no onlookers taking pictures and they filmed quickly so as not to expose her any further. She said all of the female cast and crew members were so sweet and they handed her clothes and... she said even if she has a long career with a lot of movies- she'll always remember that moment. It's not one you get that often and... it was kind of an awesome Bucket List type of thing- both for Tree and for the actress.

So yeah- overall really fun movies and I hope they make more. They set up a third movie and there might be a crossover with Freaky... which sounds like it'd be fun too.



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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