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13 Days of Blogoween: Gremlins Review

Okay- here's a movie I'm surprised I've never seen and I definitely will try to watch it every year or so... but probably around Christmas Time instead of Halloween because this is actually a Christmas movie. I think it's good to watch around Halloween- or at least the first time you watch it if you watch it it might be fun to watch at Halloween.

So I loved this movie- I thought it was a fun watch... it wasn't too scary after I had watched quite a few thrillers and scary movies in the past 13 days and this was a fun break where I was like "I might have watched this as a kid. I could possibly show this too my niece in a few years." It isn't scary at all really. It's very over the top and the creatures aren't like anything we've seen... so it seems like its something less realistic and less scary for me.

It's like It's a Wonderful Life combined with a B horror movie... it's kind of a brilliant brilliant concept. Also I love Gizmo, I like Stripe a lot... they're so adorable until they turn into gremlins and then they get so scary!The family was really nice, I thought it was cute the way Billy reacted to getting this adorable little creature for Christmas and that his dad knew Billy would love that right away. It was really cute.

The only thing I didn't love about it was that it was a little bit too long. A lot of the scenes... I don't think we needed. There were a lot of just silly cuts to the Gremlins doing different things... they didn't need all of that. It also takes a long time before Billy gets Gizmo- let alone when the Gremlins actually hatch... so its a little longer than it needs to be... but overall... put it on. I'd recommend buying the dvd or watching it without commercials because its going to be SO LONG on network TV with commercials... it is definitely worth checking out without that... and yeah. I liked the movie a lot.

Alright so it is actually halloween now- its after midnight as I'm writing this... So don't feed your Mogwai first off... but also I will probably have another post on the Halloween movies today because this is only the 12th day! Ugh! I'm behind on my movies. I'm going to try to watch Halloween 1 and maybe 2 tonight... maybe 3 tomorrow before my boyfriend comes over... I'll try to review at least the first one!



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My name is Shannon! Beauty and Fashion lover, Funko Pop Collector, Disney fangirl, Halloween and Christmas enthusiast and overall fun person. Hope you like these snippets of my life!

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